Fast Loans Instant Approval
When an emergency expense comes up that you have not saved up for, you’ll want to find the fastest and most effective way you can get access to additional funds. Loans online instant approval could come in handy.
Online loans make financing more accessible to the rest of the public. Loanable amounts can be easily customised to suit your needs. You can borrow between $300 and $5000. You can set up the repayments to suit your budget and payment capacity better with loan terms ranging from 16 days to 2 years. Lenders will also give you the freedom to decide on how often you would like to make a payment to match your income. You have the choice to go for a monthly, fortnightly or weekly arrangement.
Features of loans online instant approval
- Loanable amounts of $300-$5000
- Loan assessment and decision is completed within a few minutes
- Repayment term can be as short as 16 days to as long as 2 years
- No paperwork involved, everything is set up online
- Enjoy fixed repayments for the entirety of the loan term
- Upfront fees and charges
- Centrelink income and bad credit borrowers accepted
- Apply any time from your computer, tablet or smartphone
Why choose SamedayLend for loans instant approval?
Speedy outcome
We have partnered with established and reputable lenders offering small loans instant approval Australia who can process and decide on your loan application in 60 seconds.
Streamlined application
We offer a hassle-free application process where everything is done online. The whole process can take 5 minutes or less to complete and supporting documents can be sent online as well for a most convenient experience.
Apply anywhere you are
Our cash loans are accessible wherever you are in Australia. Just use your tablet, computer or smartphone and send an application without even having to leave the comforts of your home.
How much do loans online instant approval cost?
When you apply for online loans, you can rest easy with the assurance that loan fees are capped, and proper pricing structures are established to protect your interest as much as possible. Do note that online instant approval loans are differentiated between medium and small loans and the category in which your loan application falls into can affect the fees you will be subjected to.
Small loans
These are loans ranging from $300-$2000. You have the option to repay the debt within 16 days to 1 year. For these loans, you should never pay more than 20% of the principal in processing fees and the repayment fees are capped at 4% each time. We can even offer as low as $50 loan in an instant.
Medium loans
These are loans ranging from $2001-$5000. You have the same options as small loans in terms of the loan term. There is a cap of 4% for every repayment or it is a maximum of 48% per year, whichever of the two is lower. Meanwhile, the processing fee is capped at $400.
With cash loans, there is no need to pay the lender any money upfront. Establishment fees will be divided into monthly instalments of the same amount. You will also need to pay a monthly repayment fee. Basically, the higher the loan principal and the longer it takes for you to pay it off, the more expensive it will be. This is hardly any different from any type of financing credit cards or leases.